“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
The Bridge
A river of deep flows what seems a mile below
Above is a bridge, only to a few is it known
Deep in a forest as dark as the night
It is here that I learned the secret of life
A Day, One More
Waking up, rainy day, only cloudy skies and soggy ground make it different than others…
Wiping sleep from my eyes, across the room I stumble, as if walking for the first time
Standing Alone
Early evening time of dusk
Long days sun color rust
Nights first star pokes its head
Many more will follow stead
Searching - A Friend of Mine
Walking quietly, crying silently, my mind blank as the unstoppable pain burns from the inside...
The cold air mingles, while my body trembles, my breath releases and does a dance in front of my eyes
Now What I Want
It makes me do what I don’t want to do
It makes me feel like I don’t want to feel
Control over myself is out of the question
For it hypnotizes my mind while making the rules
The Struggle
Struggle, my how this mind struggles...
Failing to make sense of days earlier trouble...
Thoughts run ramped, order it tries to find...
Ordinary to utter chaos, a blink of the eye