“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
Nothing So Real
Wading through such a torturous hell
Enlightenment, it’s all of which I now seek
With an anguish so annihilating
Imploringly I crave, an inconceivable release
The Witness
The cold rain on my shoulders
A bizarre evening in store
As I peer in through the curtains
I’m stunned to my core
Moments of Control
Oh- the weight, the weight and what it could do
As my soul would severely suffer, hideously an ugly bruise
The sting of my salty tears, often a melancholy excuse
My obsessive thoughts- they ruled, always a muse
The Demons
A split-second decision, my fate was decided then, as it all came together, it no sooner fell apart, with thoughts of dementia, masquerading was soon to start, gradually emerging
Evenings Long Ago
Skies full of tiny golden lights
Floating aimlessly
Grasping helplessly
My small hands, just out of reach
This Place
A striking spectacle of nature
It all flows quietly through my soul
Starlings whistle is the distance
Lucky I am to call this place my home