Searching - A Friend of Mine

Walking quietly, crying silently, my mind blank as the unstoppable pain burns from the inside...
The cold air mingles, while my body trembles, my breath releases and does a dance in front of my eyes...

I am here now, but was just there, there before being left far behind...
A long lost friend I'm searching, searching madly, but will be disappointed once again I arrive...

Searching, I'm searching, tricks, madness, and lunacy are all that are lurching....
As I need to speak, speak to a friend that used to be a good friend of mine...

Two years ago you were there, we were there for the other, there until it came your time...
Now, lost as I am, I'll continue my searching, continue my crying, because I still have nothing, nothing but loneliness and time...


A mentally beaten introvert, just wanting to create art and share it with the world.

Standing Alone


Now What I Want