“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
What You Are Is Beautiful
Alas, where had it gone wrong?
To a world, I ever bemoan
My heart, deep with sorrow—
Yet an inquisitive spirit I owned
Dreams of Madness
Horror, absolute horror, as my arduous state tried to comprehend the madness, for I am not mad, am I? I do however have
The Return
The days shadows grew long
The perfect dream was evermore
My tears fell like the softest rain
Returning a soul from its hellish war
A Meeting with Death
There I stood, staring death straight in the face…
It was afraid of me!
I had absolutely nothing to lose…
And it too, it had not a single thing to gain
The Last Touch
When it’s time, I’ll do the right thing
Until then, I want to steal every last second
Just like stealing that first kiss, my heart pounded so
It’s been years, and you’re all that I’ve ever known
Emily's Revenge
It could have been easier, so much easier, if he had only decided on another course of action that late evening’s night. I ponder back on it now, and a thousand words of terror still haunt my mind. What was the
The Maiden of the River
Holding her pale body, caressing her, but a lost cause this was, long before she was mine. It wasn’t what I had just witnessed, but the thoughts ravaging my suffering state, a state so excruciating that I felt nothing