
The abandoned house had been silent, sitting there deep within the woods, untouched by pesky mortals for scores of years, with a confession weighing heavy upon its poor heart.  Its veins painted in pain, creaky floors crying out in remorse, and occupied now by misery and misery alone.  

For it had never laid out a mat of welcome for treachery- a happy home this once was.  Scents of mouthwatering meals sneaking outside during the evening to play, a face that the sun rose for each day to see, all while showering brilliant beams of light upon its flowered gardens, bursting them into millions of colors, most of which these eyes have never seen.  Strangling my senses helpless, until I could do nothing more than weep my tears.

Passing years though had been unkind, as they typically are for those that burn brightest in their earlier days.  An epitome of despair the structure now stood, no longer the beauty that it once was.  The vivid petals in the garden had been replaced by stone, names etched on each.  Calling it now a home would be embellishing the obvious, for even the madness of a fool could discern this.  A most villainous poison, an unwelcome tenant, had made its way inside of these doors, never to leave without wreaking havoc on those that dare enter.

I, being a reckless clod, remembering the place for its better time, found myself once again face to face with the dwelling that I once knew.  I had never dared a venture inside, although it had always intrigued my ever so curious mind. Assessing what lies beyond these doors now would be an almost blasphemous affair, for I had once witnessed this edifice in all of its glory, peeking behind the curtains after the show was over wouldn’t be acceptable.  Would it?

Alas, knowing the only way to quench my dreaded thirst of curiosity- I gradually opened the beaten door, it groaning in discomfort from not being moved in years.  Dust and darkness, the only thing present as the curtain call began.  Stories of horror and suffering had been rumored about the place for years, the headstones now sitting crooked in the garden served as a reminder, but my infatuation with it all, had now led me inside.  

As my eyes began to settle, adjusting to the unlit room, I felt the invisible embrace of evil take hold of me.  I wasn’t alone, but how can this be?  Judging by everything that I’ve witnessed of my surroundings, I’m the first to set foot in the place since that day.  That day when the doors were supposedly shut for the very last time, until today that is.  “Hello”, I softly mumbled.  Without reluctance, my ears were flooded by the most heartbreaking voice.  It’s as if the house had been holding the story a secret for years, and no longer could it remain hushed.  Spilling its conundrum upon me was its way to set itself free, and for many a day and night, this place was waiting for a guest, welcomed or not, to enter its hallowed walls.  A narrative of wretchedness and torture these walls had observed, and I stood beside them now on a floor soiled with blood.

Hysterical, I dashed out the door from which I had just came, my life now poisoned, my mind scarred.  Scurrying through the woods, I couldn’t help but shout, “Ah, but they do speak!  For they spoke their secrets, each and every one, and they spoke them to me!”  My guilt now- it is as pure as those who committed such horror, the atrocities passed upon me, devouring thy soul from its core, and nevermore shall I sleep with both eyes shut again.


A mentally beaten introvert, just wanting to create art and share it with the world.



