“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
A Girl Of A Different Kind
Rapt in the pages of wonder
Each letter, each word, each page
Curiosity filled her old soul
She was more than just her age
Lost In My Thoughts
The flowers speak for me
With their colors so bright
Lost in my thoughts
I’m only able to write
Forgotten Lore
Was it a moment of sanity,
Or had I gone mad?
Daring the near impossible—
Of painting Forgotten Lore.
The Color Of Lilacs
I had imagined it a dream
Or was it all playing out in time
The colors I saw so brilliant
Each so vivid within my mind
Across the Lake In Fall
As each leaf turned colors
Tightly grasping its mate
Long now, it wasn’t
It would soon meet its fate