“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
The Light in the Distance
The beacon of light that glimmers in the distance,
It was put there so many years ago.
Through a thousand storms it has survived,
Still shining bright, yet while never growing old.
Still Waiting
My heart aches, tell me that I belong…
Yet it can’t be that tough, can it?
Or is the silence still your favorite song?
A Meeting with Death
There I stood, staring death straight in the face…
It was afraid of me!
I had absolutely nothing to lose…
And it too, it had not a single thing to gain
The Lighthouse
The banks had been battered by the oceans waves, day after day, for years longer than I remember. I lived here, so the rage of the water crashing against the boulders lying
A Bump to the Head
The glow of the moon lit the room ever so slow, my nightstand taking on a life of its own, with delicate shadows dancing around each object, reflecting its scene, awake I am now