“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
Alone With The Poppies
An early autumn day,
I’ll never forget
There amongst the poppies,
A sun starting to set
If Only I'd Known
The thoughts—
They hide within my head
Teasing me relentlessly—
And into madness I am lead
That Last Night
A night of moonlight, gently it gleams, passing glass panes, and onto the floor.
I sit alone reflecting, thoughts of melancholy aching
Tears & Blood
I lashed out, enraged at the passion,
that same passion, whose refusal now shunned,
just to laugh at my cold heart in silence,
An Ordinary Mind
My mind was absent. Sometimes, I wonder if it ever really existed? I try to think back upon more carefree times, but of those I can't
A Bump to the Head
The glow of the moon lit the room ever so slow, my nightstand taking on a life of its own, with delicate shadows dancing around each object, reflecting its scene, awake I am now