My Tell
Where does it go, my, oh my flawed mind
Not a safe place, searched, I have before
The voices warn me, they warn of its kind
I here wander, checked all, each a door
My heart, it bleeds, from a perch it fell
It too, eluding me, I need from it the most
Each vein runneth empty, here in this hell
I'm held down, my thoughts, only a ghost
This nightmare, my home, it has become
Damaged, a goodbye, was never I allowed
Apart, trying to put each piece into one
Love, and dear things, I reach for them how
Curled up, can't I mend this monster inside
That safe place, did it ever, asking myself
Waking each day, to sleep more, I decide
Look me in the eye, asking you, please help
I knew a days fortune, it was then taken
Words don't come out right, nothing does
I try to focus, thoughts, leave me shaken
Weeping, I beg them, nothing is what is was
I surrender now, to voices, those damn voices
To let go, this battle, of which I've since failed
A fever of ecstasy, burning, to justify my choices
So, I'll go now, a story of me, yes, this is my tell