“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.”
— William Hazlitt
Starting To Wonder
Beneath the skies whisper
Belongs this innocent girl
Lost in a sea of lavender
She plucks at purple pearls
Lost In My Thoughts
The flowers speak for me
With their colors so bright
Lost in my thoughts
I’m only able to write
Now, Let Me Go
As my mind would began to race,
And the confusion quickly set in
I knew of only one place,
It was a place I’d often been
The Color Of Lilacs
I had imagined it a dream
Or was it all playing out in time
The colors I saw so brilliant
Each so vivid within my mind
Feeling Blue
Softly, I ask, for why do I feel sorrow,
Is it from years that have passed,
Or could it be the time that I borrow?
Winter Missing
Not a snowflake fell
Leaves rustle about
Gentle, cool rains
It was all that came
The Return
The days shadows grew long
The perfect dream was evermore
My tears fell like the softest rain
Returning a soul from its hellish war