This I Know

It was void, void of anything except my mind
My mind and my own memories
For my body didn’t exist
Or had it ever
I questioned everything
Quickly, I learned to let go
It felt better this way
It was the truest peace that I have ever known
I had never dreamt of this before
My spirit had been incapable of such grandeur

Those memories of everything, everyone
They were figments of my imagination
I was one, there was no time, no home
Pain was absent, as was happiness
Emotions were absent, of no use
The ones that I loved
They were random thoughts, nothing more

Everything in my head was the world, the universe
Each creation, all part of the experience
I had never been loved, nor hated
People weren’t disappointed in me
Yet, no one was proud either
Only I existed, so how could anything else matter
Every thought that I could process
Was only greater than the last
Never was I let down by what I experienced next

It was beautiful, but that word is not enough
Beauty can only describe what you know to exist
The unexplainable needs a vocabulary of its own
Maybe there shouldn’t be one
I think it’s best left unsaid
Letting your own imagination wonder

I want to cry now as I recall it all
I’m still failing to comprehend the magnitude though
I’m happy, and I can’t deny that
I know I’ll experience it again someday
I will be waiting, I will be searching
My mind better for having experienced this moment
How do I look back now
No longer there, but back in a world that I know

Knowing the destiny that awaits me
Or if I do never return
These memories are enough to ponder forever
For one lifetime is not enough
Not enough to process everything that I now know
There is something out there
This I know


A mentally beaten introvert, just wanting to create art and share it with the world.

A New Day


Without You