The Last Touch
When it’s time, I’ll do the right thing
Until then, I want to steal every last second
Just like stealing that first kiss, my heart pounded so
It’s been years, and you’re all that I’ve ever known
Our hearts have always belonged to each other
There isn’t a day that I’d ever take back
My throat starts to cramp up, holding back my tears
Like damming a river, that was meant to flow
Each day, that’s how our love has always been
We could always laugh at ourselves, the two best of friends
A collection of memories, it’s all I hold onto now
Enough to last ten lifetimes, oh- thats how we lived
And all those days of wonder, they’ve led us to here
A time that was unescapable, we just didn’t know when
You lay there beautiful, more so than when we first met
A peaceful time it is, two lives- not a single regret
How could we know whose turn it was first
The rules of the game, we followed each one through
Please forgive me, if this may sound obtuse
But I’m glad to be the one sitting here, watching you rest
Because my pain is now double, and befittingly so
It wouldn’t be right, for us both to experience this low
Your dreams have taken you over, just as they should
Now, go off to be with your mother, where she waits for you
The time is now, to do the right thing
To disconnect you from this life, or what is left of it
Remember, I’ll be there with you shortly
I just don’t know when that shall be
You’ll always hold my heart until that day
Our love will grow for eternity, in the end we will be