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It's Where I Go (To Get Lost)

I look back upon that day,
One like any other
A walk through the woods,
In search of some wonder
Alone with only my thoughts,
And their desperate hunger

I had dreamed of a place,
It was vivid in my mind
Somewhere so special,
The sun always shined
A world that I could go to,
That no one could find

Amongst the trees I wandered,
Into deeper my travels
Leaving trails far behind,
Desperately craving this straggle
My search now certain,
My bothers unraveled 

At this particular point,
Stood a bridge so profound
A wooden path to nowhere,
To it now I’m bound
I strolled across slowly,
Yes!— a paradise I’ve found

I revisit the bridge often—
Years since I first crossed
That bridge into nowhere,
I still walk it ever so soft
It helps me stay sane now,
It’s where I go to get lost

(Written for the painting titled ‘It’s Where I Go - To Get Lost’)