Newsletter Volume #1


Note, the post below is part of a mailing list. If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here.


It's Where I Go (original oil painting - completed June 2021)

February 2022
Vol. 1


Hey, it's Patrick! You may be wondering, Patrick who? I’m the ‘I quit my full time job to become an artist' Patrick. There, that probably clears it up, because how many Patricks do you know that go and pull a stunt like that? 😜

Maybe you're trying to figure out how I got your email address, but actually you signed up for this. You may have even signed up a couple of years ago, anxiously waiting each day for my first newsletter to arrive. Frantically checking your inbox, hoping it would be there, but it never was. I can only imagine your disappointment-- I sincerely apologize. I've even spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out a good excuse to explain my procrastination, but I can't come up anything, so I'll try to think of something later and put it in a future newsletter. 😆

So, Volume #1 of my newsletter. Where do I start? So much has happened in the past two years. First, I chose the 'perfect' time to quit a stable job and jump into the art world. Both 2020 and 2021 were excellent years to be in the art field. 🤦‍♂️ Seriously though, it has allowed me the time to work on my portfolio at a pace that suits me, and I don't feel that I'm sacrificing my creativity. That's important!

A couple of gallery opportunities that were originally scheduled for 2020 were postponed until 2021, then postponed again. It appears those might finally happen in 2022. 🤞

I did have the opportunity of a lifetime present itself this past year though. I had one of my paintings selected to be part of the Team Kentucky Gallery. The gallery was initiated by the current Governor and First Lady, as a way to showcase art from across the state. My painting was on display at the Kentucky State Capitol building from July until December. I have more information about it in a blog post here. You can go ahead and click on that link if you want, because it's going to pop open a new window, and you can come back and continue reading the rest of this. I know you're deeply enthralled at this point!

With all of my art, especially my oil paintings, I keep trying to push the envelope and go deeper and deeper into total 'uniqueness'. My goal all along has been to create art in a style that you typically never see. The only downside to my style, with all of the grooves and textures, is that people constantly want to touch it. I guess I'm guilty of wanting to do the same thing though. I usually wait until I'm not looking and then I'll touch it. 🤫 With all of my paintings, I write a poem to match the subject matter. This is where the 'Every painting tells a story' comes from in my logo.

Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. I just wanted to share what's been going on and let you know what will be in-store for future newsletters. The last thing you need to worry about is SPAM, at least from me. It took me 2+ years to send this. Do you really think I'm going to start flooding your inbox now? I do plan on sending one of these out every 6-8 weeks. I think every two years may be a little too infrequent, if you know what I mean. Every couple of months is enough time for me to get more art created, and also enough time to come up with more lies to share. I mean stories... 🤭

FYI - each newsletter is going to contain a button like this one:

Go ahead and click it-- don't be afraid. It's only going to take you to a page on my site that lets you know you've been entered for a chance to win a free limited edition print. Note, if you win, I'll need to reach out via email for your shipping information. Please don't click if you're in the witness protection program, or something like that. I'd have no way to get the print to you, then I'd have to redraw, and that would just take up more time. If you're wondering 'what print', these are the prints that I have available here

During my year-end newsletter, the prize will be an original painting that I'll create specifically for the giveaway. Even if you don't want to read my newsletter at all, it might be worth the shot of staying on as a subscriber and possibly winning a painting. You could then pass it off as a Christmas gift and save a few bucks. 

Why not just add everyone that subscribes to the newsletter into the drawing? Because I want you to at least read part of my ramblings, even if you're just searching for the button to enter the giveaway. It only takes the tiniest bit of effort, but the reward could be astronomical, because these prizes are going to be worth millions some day, and you don't want to miss out on that, do you? 😰

From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all of you that have signed up to receive updates from me. If you could forward this along to any of your friends that may be interested, I'd forever be in your debt. They can then sign up themselves by using the link near the bottom of this page. Or they can just click here.

Last, but not least. With this being Volume #1 of my newsletter, I have some discount codes at the bottom if anyone is interested in some of my art. The codes are good for 21 days from receipt of this email. I'll add discount codes in future newsletters also, but the ones this month are extra special. Special, in a Black Friday doorbuster type of way. The kind where I don't make a lot of money off of it, but you still end up with something nice-- that kind of special. Go ahead and take full advantage of me. I dare you! 😛

And, without further ado...SOME OF MY LATEST ARTWORK

December 2021
Now, Let Me Go (original oil painting)


A field full of purple Ironweed (flowers) with a wispy sky on a summer afternoon.

During a late summer afternoon walk, in the field behind our home, I snapped a photo of the purple flowers and used it as a reference for this painting.

November 2021
It's What I Live For (original drawing)


A pair of ballet pointe shoes that will soon dance again. 

Drawn with a single colored pencil (purple) on Strathmore 400 Series paper. I used a lot of detail in this particular piece to showcase the parts of the shoes that are often overlooked. 

August 2021
Let Me Love You To Death (Limited Edition Print)


Two sunflowers nearing their last day. One clinging tightly to the other as they slowly wilt away. The deep & rich colors make for a spectacular print, especially on metal! 

I photographed this in the summer of 2021, at Evans Orchard, in Georgetown, KY. The temperature was only around 150°, otherwise it was a lovely evening.


And there you have it. You've made it all the way to the bottom and didn't complain once. Well, maybe you did. If so, I'm sorry. I tried to make it as painless as I could. Here are some discount codes for your troubles! 🤗 Once again, feel free to pass this along to anyone else that may enjoy it. The next newsletter will have more stories, more art, and other fun stuff, but I'll try to loosen it up a bit and not be as serious. 😛

10% off limited edition prints - TENOFF

15% off any watercolor painting - FIFTEENOFF

20% off any oil painting - TWENTYOFF

*Use codes above during checkout

To enquire about any price not listed, please use the existing 'ENQUIRE' button on that particular page.

Take care,


I’m never finished with my paintings; the further I get, the more I seek the impossible and the more powerless I feel.

-Claude Monet

PoeSoul Studio

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A mentally beaten introvert, just wanting to create art and share it with the world.



A reminder for any artist...